How I remember Ehime

Created by ejiro5 11 years ago
I met Ehime through Chidi. I think it was Chidi`s birthday.Chidi was probably 8 or 9.I dont rememebr too well.Ehime Ehije Voke and I all wore the same shoes or pants, I dont remember too well.But Chidi said "this is my Friend Ehime" and this is his brother.Our parents shared a friendship already so it was easy understanding everyone in a second.I met Ehime in cssl years later.He was a child with a direction.You could sense he knew who he was from the onset.But he was so tiny.As tiny as Obot and Lukman, Edgar and I, and he ended up as a good goal keeper and a good table tennis player.He almost won me in an arm wrestling bout, I refused to be won.When I got to Gregs, he had left.But I sensed his presence.He was popular already. Unilag was a breeze.I recognised one friend he had, his name was Chukwuma.I remember double4,my red bus and Ehime`s Shalake..The race from lekki sunsplash, the sheer joy of youth..I met Ehime along the way. I remember his whispers and private gist.He was alright "down to earth "as is easy said.I remember the discussion we had at Golden Gate at Dejis mums birthday party.Life was a journey we were taking and at such points we were privileged to meet and catch up in a few minutes not knowing when such a chance meeting will occur again. I remember at Lateefs...Ehime always had a crowd of people around him,but it never seemed like they were heavy on him.He was ok.I had a good friend and she once told me there were three people she held dear. She said Chiedu, Ehime and "you". I have had nothing but respect and love for Ehime as a friend and brother.Truth be told he was more of my brothers friend, he was ok.Ehime scolded for showing up a day late at Chidi`s dads funeral. I recall the pleasure it was to hang out with the ol crew for that short period of supporting Chidi and his siblings.Yes a pleasure even at a funeral.I dont think it was fair for me to receive the news in any manner, even if it was years later, that anything wrong had happened to Ehime.I cried.I will still cry years from now.I cant imagine Ehibaby as any other person but his calm self.We had too many mutual friends to feel he is gone.He isnt really gone, not really, and that consoles me, that he was loved by so many.Ehime , you played well, you played a fine good game bro, now rest has come for my brother, rest in peace.
